Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 10: Free Verse

One of these days, I think,
I am going to write a poem
with structure –
a sestina, perhaps, or
maybe a villanelle –
something with rhyme or repetition,
something recognizable and
fully formed.

But this requires discipline,
and I have none of that in April
(are you kidding me?)
when I cannot help but heed
the garden’s constant call –
dismantle here, build there, sow these seeds
just so, and all day
bear witness to the glorious riot of springtime.

How can I write a poem with form
when the world is formed anew each day,
each moment?
There is no rhyme or reason to springtime,
certainly no repetition –
only loosely orchestrated chaos, forming itself
(most un-subtly, and in a cornucopia of colors,
sounds, smells, textures)
into free verse.

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